app reviews
04 Schedule

Streamline Processes and Empower Your Whole Team

Convert paper-based chores to online forms and checklists.

Forget about making numerous phone calls and texts, as well as filling out paperwork. Create any form or checklist in seconds and deliver it to your staff instantly.

  • With a single click, you may add photos and videos.
  • E-signature and GPS timestamps are required.
  • PDFs, Excel spreadsheets, and other items can be attached.
  • Instantly record audio messages.

Forms may be customized to meet the needs of your team.

Create your own form or select from a number of templates.

  • Conduct mobile inspections
  • Checklists for operations
  • Forms for safety
  • To ensure compliance
  • Onboarding new workers
  • HR-specific templates
02 Courses
06 Review

Always accessible and always current

There will be no more sloppy handwriting or obsolete paperwork.

  • There’s no need to wait days for important documents to arrive.
  • In the blink of an eye, every input is sent from the field to the office.
  • On mobile devices, all forms are instantly available.
  • Forms are organized and saved online.
  • Export forms with ease

Best team management app that we have ever had!

Until we discovered Project36, we had one technology platform for scheduling, one for managing projects, one for communications, and another for time-tracking and time tracking. Not only did we save 80% over our prior prices, but everything is now in one place.
Kelvin Larkin MD
CEO of AlaskianBreed