app reviews
schedule calendar

Easily Plan and Make Your Work Schedule As Clear As Possible

Effortless drag and drop schedule function

  • Assign, replicate, drag & drop, or schedule shifts to repeat.
  • Allow your staff to switch shifts online.
  • Make available shifts for your staff to claim.
  • Overtime, vacation, and availabilities are all accessible.

Quickly Create Schedules by Using Templates

Reduce manual labour by using schedule templates.

  • Use single shift, full week, or repeating shift templates.
  • Save your schedules as templates to use again in the future.
  • Customize the scheduling procedure to meet your specific requirements.
  • Fill out shift templates quickly and easily based on personnel availability.
schedule calendar 2
work information

Make sure your team has all of the information they require.

Improve your operations far beyond the basics when it comes to scheduling.

  • Keep staff up to date about shift changes.
  • Include information about the shift, such as the location, time, notes, and attachments.
  • Processes can be sped up by reducing needless contact.
  • Employees and team leaders on the go can use a mobile interface.

Best team management app that we have ever had!

Until we discovered Project36, we had one technology platform for scheduling, one for managing projects, one for communications, and another for time-tracking and time tracking. Not only did we save 80% over our prior prices, but everything is now in one place.
Kelvin Larkin MD
CEO of AlaskianBreed